Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover

A specialized combination of body contouring surgical procedures involving the breasts and abdominal areas

Our mommy makeovers offer the perfect complement of treatments to give you your pre-pregnancy body back and help you look your very best.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons will help you choose the combination of cosmetic procedures that will give you the body you desire, which may include a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast lift with augmentation.

Am I a Good Candidate
for a Mommy Makeover?

Every woman is affected differently, but there are some very common issues caused by pregnancy, including:

  • Protruding belly
  • Loose skin
  • Deflated breasts
  • Stretch marks
  • Stubborn, left-over pockets of fat

If you are done having children and desire to restore the shape and appearance of your body, a mommy makeover surgery could be right for you.

Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy and childbirth are among the most beautiful and memorable times in a mother’s life. But becoming a mother also means dealing with bodily changes, some of which may not reverse themselves naturally after pregnancy. A tummy tuck helps correct the protruding belly and loose skin that may remain well after pregnancy as well as separation of the abdominal muscles that can occur after pregnancy. A breast lift and/or augmentation can improve the shape of their breasts. Lastly, if diet and exercise aren’t enough to get you back to your pre-baby body, then liposuction may be for you. Liposuction can remove stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to your best-intended lifestyle changes.

Body Expert

Dr. Geoghegan is a board-certified plastic surgeon who excels and chooses to specialize in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast and body. As a mother herself, Dr. Geoghegan is passionate about helping other moms achieve both the look they desire and long-lasting, natural results. During your consultation, your surgeon will take a unique approach and work with you to select the right procedures for your body and desired outcome.

Complimentary Procedures

Breast Surgery

During and after pregnancy, the breasts are often the most dramatically affected area of a woman’s body. The results can be very unpredictable. Some women lose volume. Some begin to sag due to stretching. Many women experience a combination of both. Age and the elasticity of your skin are just two of the factors that determine how your breasts will react to pregnancy. Our doctors at Gawley Plastic Surgery can enlarge your breasts with breast augmentation to replace lost volume, perform a breast lift to correct sagging, or you can choose a combination lift and augmentation to fully restore and enhance your breasts.


It is healthy and necessary to gain weight during pregnancy, but sometimes fat will settle into stubborn pockets that do not respond to diet and exercise. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that can remove these pockets of fat, restoring your natural contours.

Tummy Tuck

As your uterus expands during pregnancy, the abdominal wall is stretched. A few very lucky women seem to spring back to their natural shape, but for most women, no amount of exercise will tighten the belly to its original, flat shape. A tummy tuck will tighten your belly and remove excess skin.

Choosing Your Procedure

During your initial consultation, one of our surgeons will listen to your goals and concerns and recommend the right mommy makeover procedure options that will best achieve the results you desire.

Our surgeons believe it’s important for mommy makeover patients to be well-educated about the risks associated with any cosmetic surgery.

Recovery & Results From A Mommy Makeover

After your mommy makeover procedure, you will be sent home with bandages around your incision sites to help reduce swelling and minimize bleeding. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions for what you can and cannot do immediately after surgery and in the weeks to come.

The recovery period varies from patient to patient based on the extent of the procedure and your ability to heal. In general, you will need to avoid strenuous activity for about four weeks. Once you’ve rested for a few days after your mommy makeover, you will be able to return to some of your normal activities.

We use enhanced recovery and Exparel ®, a long-lasting local anesthetic, to boost the recovery, minimize discomfort, and have you back to normal much quicker than you might expect. You will be up and walking the same day, and depending on your job, you may be back to work in a week or two. Bruising and swelling may persist for 2-3 weeks. While light walking and lifting may be resumed fairly quickly after surgery, you cannot return to a regular workout routine for 6 weeks.

At the end of the day, the natural results of a mommy makeover speak for themselves. You can see what our surgeons have achieved for other mothers who have been patients at Gawley Plastic Surgery by browsing our before-and-after photos to get an idea of what this procedure could mean for you.

Envision Your
Natural Results

See what our clients say

Patients can feel confident in choosing Gawley Plastic Surgery, as we
aim to provide you with the best patient care available.

Mommy Makeover FAQs

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgery designed to flatten the abdomen by removing extra skin and fat and to tighten the abdominal wall (six pack) muscles. Despite some added medical benefits of potentially reducing stress incontinence, decreasing back pain and improving posture, abdominoplasty is always considered cosmetic.

First, you should be at or close to your ideal weight. One of the most common reasons for revision is size change and partly that reflects patients own weight change leading to the implants being too large or too small. Second, you should be at least 6 months to a year out from breast feeding. And finally don’t use any tobacco or nicotine products or take aspirin / drugs / supplements that increase the risk of bleeding

There are no set components as it is tailored to fit your individual needs and desires. The most common areas are the breasts and the abdomen. Other possible surgeries that can be done at the same time include arms, thighs, labia and facial rejuventation. Each patient is unique as is each surgery performed and the cost. Please call us or click here to contact us regarding a private consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. We pride ourselves on a patient-centric approach to serving you and look forward to meeting you soon.